indexicals - Bibliography - Josephine Papst


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Philosopher, Philosopher of sciences, and transdisciplinary scientist of cognitive and state-system sciences

Topics of research: Theory of Sciences, Logic, History of sciences, Philosophy of mind, Philosophy of language, Epistemology, Metaphysics, Theory of Literature and Aesthetics, Philosophy of law, Cognitive sciences – the paradigm of transdisciplinarity

Scientific education:
Doctor philosophiae – Dr. phil. – 1997, Karl-Franzens-University of Graz, AUSTRIA
Magister philosophiae – Mag. phil. – 1991, with distinction, Karl-Franzens-University of Graz, AUSTRIA

Scientific research outside of Austria: Studies and research works in USA, Germany, Bulgaria, Great Britain, and Italy (see III. Studies and research works outside Austria).
Invitations to international congresses and workshops in USA, Germany, Bulgaria, Great Britain, Italy, China, Turkey, and Brazil (see I. Publications, lectures, and 3. unpublished lectures and papers).





Das Personalpronomen 'ich': Ein Beitrag zu seiner semantischen und ontologischen Bestimmung; Master-Thesis, Karl-Franzens-University of Graz, December 1991.


Indexicality as the basis of the subsymbolic-reflexive structure of the mind; Dissertation, Karl-Franzens-University of Graz, May 1996.



Kann Saul Kripke das skeptische Paradoxon, das er zu lösen beansprucht, lösen?; in: KONTROVERSEN; Vol. 1, 1990, pp. 24 - 56.


Das Personalpronomen 'ich' in David Kaplans Semantik der direkten Bezugnahme; in: KONTROVERSEN;. Vol. 2, 1991, pp. 45 - 61. The first version of this paper was given on September 22nd, 1990 at the “Third International Franz-Weber-Conference” in Marburg, SLOVENIA, with the title Das Personalpronomen 'ich'. Eine sprachanalytische Abhandlung.


BOOKREVIEW: Das Staunen und der Zufall by G.A. Gargani; in: Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie; Berlin, New York: De Gruyter, 1993, pp.116 - 119.


Können wir in den eigentlich interessanten Situationen eine Regel nur privatim anwenden?; in: Beiträge der Österreichischen Ludwig Wittgenstein Gesellschaft 1993; Philosophie und die kognitiven Wissenschaften; ed. by Roberto Casati und Graham White; Proceedings des XVI. Internationalen Ludwig Wittgenstein Symposiums 1993 in Kirchberg am Wechsel, ÖSTERREICH, pp.395-401.


About the impossibility of epistemic justification in terms of epistemic norms; in: The Role of Pragmatics in Contemporary Philosophy; Vol. 2, ed. by Paul Weingartner, Gerhard Schurz, Georg Dorn; Die Österreichische Ludwig Wittgenstein Gesellschaft, Kirchberg am Wechsel; Proceedings of the XX. International Wittgenstein Conference 1997 in Kirchberg am Wechsel, AUSTRIA, pp. 747 - 752.


Can a truth value have causal power? A discussion of John Gibbons’ “Truth in Action”; paper given at the 20th World Congress of Philosophy, Boston 1998; Online-Publication;


Zeit und Emergenz: Der Mensch als homo temporalis; with Johann Götschl; in: Posch, Ch., Schuierer, S., and Schuierer, A. (Ed.): Leib und Seele. Der Körper der Medizin - die Seele der Psychotherapie/Theologie; Thaur: Druck- und Verlagshaus Thaur, 2000, pp. 35 - 51.


Rechtliche relevante Aspekte beim Aufbau von Datenbanken; Vortrag beim 10. Österreichischen Online-Informationstreffen und dem 11. Österreichischen Dokumentartag
ODOK '03 - vom 23. - 26. September 2003 an der Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Salzburg, ÖSTERREICH; in: Eveline Pipp (Hrsg.): EIN JAHRZEHNT WORLD WIDE WEB: Rückblick - Standortbestimmung - Ausblick; Wien: Phoibos Verlag, 2004, S. 123 - 134. Url:


Report: The Unifying Method of the Humanities, Social Sciences and Natural Sciences: The Method of Transdisciplinarity; in: Das Verbindende der Kulturen; Vienna: INST, 2004, pp. 218 – 220; see: Url: - Awarded with the Bruno Kreisky Anerkennungspreis on 21st January, 2005; also available as Online-publication; Url:


Transdisciplinarity: The Unifying Paradigm of Humanities, Natural and Social Sciences; electronic publication - Online-publication and CD-Rom; Url: ; contained on the CD-Rom; in: Das Verbindende der Kulturen; Vienna: INST, 2004, see: Url: - Awarded with the Bruno Kreisky Anerkennungspreis on 21st January, 2005.


From the structure and signs to the perspective of beyondness or transdisciplinarity; electronic publication - Online-publication and CD-Rom; Url: ; contained on the CD-Rom; in: Das Verbindende der Kulturen; Vienna: INST, 2004, see: Url: - Awarded with the Bruno Kreisky Anerkennungspreis on 21st January, 2005.


Science without freedom of education and freedom of consciousness is not science at all; paper given at the “First International Congress on University Education: Perspectives on University Education in the 21st Century” May 27th - 29th, 2004 at the Fatih University in Istanbul, TURKEY; forthcoming; in: Proceedings of the First International Congress on Higher Education, Fatih University, 2005.Url:;


Das forum internum in der Wissenschaft - Ein wissenschafts-, bewusstseinstheoretischer und sozio-ökonomischer Exkurs; forthcoming; in: Wissenschaftsfreiheit und Gewissensfreiheit in der Wissenschaft; see the Symposium on the occasion of the Austrian University Law 2002 “Freedom of sciences and freedom of conscience in sciences” on June 15th, 2004 at the University of applied life sciences, Vienna. Url: Programm


Ist die Verfassungsgerichtshofspraxis zum UG 2002 verfassungswidrig?; forthcoming; in: Wissenschaftsfreiheit und Gewissensfreiheit in der Wissenschaft; see the Symposium on the occasion of the Austrian University Law 2002 “Freedom of sciences and freedom of conscience in sciences” on June 15th, 2004 at the University of applied life sciences, Vienna. Url: Programm


Cognitive significance and the mental process of internalisation; paper given at the “Biannual conference of Rodin Academy” (Stockholm, SWEDEN): “Cultural and Neural Aspects of Language, Reading, and Dyslexia” at the Bejing University, Peking, CHINA; August 4th to 8th, 2004.


A remark on Andreu Solé’s Critique de la <<complexité>>; Online-publication; in: Débats sur la complexité – articles et réactions; in: forum caravancafé, 2005; Url: Extraits de la liste du CIRET – Centre International de Recherches et d’Études Transdisciplinaires; Url:


Das indexicalisch-strukturalistische Sprachlernmodell; Vortrag bei der XIII. Internationalen Deutschlehrertagung an der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, 1. - 6. August 2005. forthcoming. Url:


Transdisziplinäre Theorie des transmodernen Subjektes wie es in der Literatur in Erscheinung tritt; Vortrag beim 11. Internationalen Germanistenkongress an der Université de Paris - Sorbonne, Centre Universitaire Malesherbes, Paris, 26. August - 3. September 2005. forthcoming. Url:


The essential commitment to what there is as the bedrock of the paradigm of transdisciplinarity; contribution to the Round Table “Transdisciplinary attitude” at the “2nd World Congress of Transdisciplinarity: “What Education for Sustainable Development? Attitude - Research - Action”, Vitoria, BRASIL; September 6th to 12th, 2005.


How does Higher Education change in Austria and why does the how matter? Opening lecture of the First indexicals-Symposion Transdisciplinarity in progress – indexicality as the basis of transdisciplinarity in Graz from October 10th – 12th, 2005; forthcoming. Url:


Indexicality as the basis of transdisciplinarity – The indexical structure of the complex reality; lecture given at the First indexicals-Symposion Transdisciplinarity in progress – indexicality as the basis of transdisciplinarity in Graz from October 10th – 12th, 2005; forthcoming. Url:


Introduction to a transdisciplinary aesthetics; lecture given at the First indexicals-Symposion Transdisciplinarity in progress – indexicality as the basis of transdisciplinarity in Graz from October 10th – 12th, 2005; forthcoming. Url:


Genuine intentions, the self, and following a rule; Opening lecture of the indexicals-Conference Transmodernity and the paradigm of transdisziplinarity; Conference within the frame of Innovation and Reproduction in Cultures and Societies, Vienna, December 8th – 11th, 2005; forthcoming. Url:
See also Url:



Das Subjekt in Wittgensteins Frühschriften: Das denkende Nicht-Subjekt und das wollende Subjekt;. paper given at the Seminar of Philosophy at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, GERMANY; May 1992.


Zurück in die Zukunft: Werde ich die Teletransportation überleben? paper given at the Forum Stadtpark Graz; Graz, AUSTRIA; December 1993.


Vernünftige Wesen, ihr Wille und ihre Freiheit. Eine elementare Skizze; paper given at the 1. Linzer Conference for women in cognitive sciences; University of Linz, AUSTRIA; May 1994.


Is introspection an obsolete notion? paper given at the “Workshop on Philosophy and Cognitive Science” at the “First International Summer Institute in Cognitive Science – FISI-CS” at the State of New York Univerity, Center for Cognitive Science, Buffalo, USA; July 24th, 1994; Url:


Konnektionismus; several papers given at the 2. Linzer Conference for women in cognitive sciences; University of Linz, AUSTRIA; December 3rd – 4th, 1994.


Konnektionismus: Analysen und Perspektiven; Faculty Lecture at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Linz, AUSTRIA; on January 23rd, 1995.


Understanding, Following a Rule and Creativity; paper given at the New Bulgarian University, Sofia, BULGARIA; July 1995.


Konsistenz-reflextionstheoretische Literaturinterpretation: Christa Wolf's “Medea”; paper given at the XX. Conference for German Studies in Seattle, USA; October 1996.


Could a new conception of the physical space solve the mind-body problem? ?; paper given at the V. Conference of the Austrian Society of Philosophy, University of Innsbruck, AUSTRIA; February 1998.


Why not a possible world approach to vagueness? Paper given at the “Bled Conference on Vagueness”, Bled, KROATIA; June 1998.


The unsolvable problem of the absurd woman - a logical riddle ad absurdum; paper given at the 8. Symposium of the “International Association of Women Philosophers”, Boston University, Boston, USA; August 1998.


Concept for the creation of the “Alexander v. Humboldt Center for Interdisciplinary Science Studies” as a new segment of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Science at Berlin; with Andreas Resetarits on the demand of and with Johann Götschl. Was presented by Johann Götschl at the Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, in collaboration with Prof. Trabant; October 1998.


Gibt es neue Voraussetzungen der Produktion von Wissen? Eine philosophisch wissenschaftliche Untersuchung der gegenwärtigen Trends; with Johann Götschl and Andreas Resetarits; Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Science of Research, Karl-Franzens University Graz, AUSTRIA; October 1999. Unpublished research work.


Is autonomy and fair play in sciences some kind of deception? Paper given at the 19th Women´s Conference “Wenn zwei das Gleiche tun, ist das noch lange nicht dasselbe”, “Women in the Exchange Society - (Self) -Deception and other Imponderables” at the University of Economics, Vienna, AUSTRIA; June 2000. Url:


What constitutes an eudemonic life of a person and of societies over time? Plenary lecture at the 2nd international conference “Human Being in Contemporary Philosophical Conceptions”, State University Volgograd, Volgograd, RUSSIA; September 19th - 22nd, 2000.


Konsequenter Realismus: Das Prinzip der Wahrheit in Wissenschaft, Recht und Kunst; Lecture given at the Department of Philosophy, Logic and Theory of science, Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich, GERMANY; November 28th, 2001.


On the Ideological Commitment of AntiRealistic Realism and Antirealism; Lecture given at the conference of the “Realist/Antirealist Society”, American Philosophical Association, Central Division, Chicago, IL; April 24th - 27th, 2002.


An introduction to the subsymbolic-reflexive structure of the mind; Lecture given at the “Fifth Parmenides Workshop”: Thinking and Consciousness; October 12th -20th, 2002 on the Island of Elba, ITALY. Url:


A consequent realistic approach to an epistemology that allows for genuine creative processes; Lecture given at the “Second World Conference of Metaphysics”, Istituto Studi Superiori Assunzione, Rome, ITALY; July 2nd - 5th, 2003. Url:


The relevance of the humanist value of freedom of conscience for freedom of sciences within the 21st century scientific picture of the world; Lecture given at the “Global Values in the 21st Century” of the “ International Society for Value Inquiry” in Florence, ITALY; August 5th - 8th, 2003.


Is the social value of having no value some kind of reactinary robustness? Lecture given at the Conference “[Re]Valuing Value and Values”, New York University, New York, USA; October 23th - 25th, 2003.


Der Freudsche zerbrochene Kristall oder die Lust am psychopathologischen Menschenbild; Lecture on July 24th, 2006 within the seminar for french germanists and teachers for german language and literature organized by the Austrian Ministry for Education and Science in co-operation with the French Ministry for Science and Education, Rax – Payerbach/Reichenau an der Rax, AUSTRIA.


Wie empirisch ist der empirische Gehalt empirischer Theorien? – Eine transdisziplinäre Annäherung; Lecture on October 12th, 2006 at the Department of Behaviour – Neurobiology – Cognition – BNC; Faculty of Life Science at the University of Vienna, AUSTRIA.



Is Pollock's OSCAR actually an introspective reasoner? 1993.


Die Voraussetzungen für echte Kooperation in demokratischen Gesellschaften; January 1996.


Analyse des Begriffes „Kooperation“ aus der Sicht der gegenwärtigen Sprachphilosophie, Philosophie des Bewußtseins und Rechtsphilosophie; research work in co-operation with o.Univ.Prof.DDr. Ota Weinberger, Department of Philosophy of Law, Karl-Franzens-University; March 1997.


How does Brian Loar bring phenomenal properties and phenomenal concepts into physicalism? February 1997.


Can qualities as particulars be distinguished from properties as universals? March 1997.


Worries about Ned Block’s distinction of two concepts of consciousness; February 1997.


SFB-Moderne, an example of Neomodernism; June 1998.


Is is a honor to get something in honor? July 1998. (It is of relevance to spell it in American English!)


The notion of the background and its riddles in John Searle's conception; October 1998.


How could language be a social software? A comment on Rohit Parik’s Language as Social software; November 1998.


Are there more properties than properties de re? November 1998.


BOOKREVIEW: Demokratisierung. Zur Problematik eines Begriffs; von Wilhelm Hennis; Köln und Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag, 1970; Mai 2002.



Editor in chief and co-editor of the philosophical journal KONTROVERSEN in co-operation with Peter Kügler, Kurt Koleznik (University of Innsbruck) and Albert Newen (University Bonn); 1990 – December 1995; Vol. 1 – 8.


Co-editor of Das Verbindende der Kulturen – The Unifying Aspects of Cultures – Les points communs des cultures; Vienna; INST, 2004; see: Url: - Awarded with the Bruno Kreisky Anerkennungspreis on January 21st , 2005.


Editor of the electronic publication – Internet and CD-Rom: The Unifying Method of the Humanities, Social Sciences and Natural Sciences: The Method of Transdisciplinarity; Url: ; contained on the CD-Rom; in: Das Verbindende der Kulturen – The Unifying Aspects of Cultures – Les points communs des cultures; Vienna; INST, 2004; see: Url: - Awarded with the Bruno Kreisky Anerkennungspreis on January 21st , 2005.


Co-editor of VUNW – Virtualität und neue Wissensstrukturen – Virtuality and new Knowledge Structures – Virtualité et nouvelles structures du savoir – IRICS – Innovationen und Reproduktionen in Kulturen und Gesellschaften – Innovations and Reproductions in Cultures and Societies – Innovations et reproductions dans les cultures et les sociétés; Vienna, INST; 2006; see: Url:



Tetralogy: Transdisciplinarity in progress, forthcoming 2007/08.



The Philosopher's Dictionary by Robert M. Martin; Peterborough, Ontario: broadview press 1991, pp. 256; from English into German; should appear within a trilingual edition, Publisher E.J. Brill, Leiden; on the basis of the third immproved edition.




indexicals – Centre of transdisciplinary cognitive and state-system sciences; Graz, AUSTRIA; September 2004.



see report of publications.



From June 1992 to April 1994: Scientific conception including the methods of “Ich-Konzeptionen in der Philosophie und Psychologie sowie ihre Diskussion in den verschiedenen Zirkeln des Fin de Siècle in Wien” and the covering-conception of the interdisciplinary project “SFB Moderne” at the Karl-Franzens-University of Graz, AUSTRIA. The project took place from Oct. 1994 to 2004.


Concept for the creation of the “Alexander v. Humboldt Center for Interdisciplinary Science Studies” as a new segment of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Science at Berlin; collaborative research work together with Andreas Resetarits on the demand of and with Johann Götschl. This concept was presented by Johann Götschl at the Berlin-Brandenburgischen Academy of Science, and in co-operation with Prof. Trabant; October 1998.



Scientific collaboration to the improved second edition of the philosophical dictionary by Robert M. Martin: The Philosopher's Dictionary. Peterborough, Ontario, CANADA: broadview press 1994.


From July 1st, 1998 to November 30th, 2001 research assistant at the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Science of Research, Karl-Franzens-University of Graz, AUSTRIA. (The institute was closed because of the new structuring of the Universities and Institutes of research in Austria.)


Invitation to contribute to the Round Table “Transdisciplinary attitude” at the “2nd World Congress of Transdisciplinarity: What Education for Sustainable Development? Attitude – Research – Action”; Vitoria, BRAZIL; September 6th – 12th, 2005.



The Unifying Method of the Humanities, Social Sciences and Natural Sciences: The Method of Transdisciplinarity; within the frame of Das Verbindende der Kulturen – The Unifying Aspects of Cultures – Les points communs des cultures; Vienna, AUSTRIA; November 7th – 9th, 2003. Url:


Wissenschaftsfreiheit und Gewissensfreiheit in der Wissenschaft – Symposium anlässlich des Universitätsgesetzes 2002; in co-operation with Hans Mikosch, Vienna, AUSTRIA; June 15th, 2004. Urls: Programme


First indexicals-Symposion: Transdisciplinarity in progress – indexicality as the basis of transdisciplinarity; in co-operation with the Department of Translation Studies, Karl-Franzens-University of Graz; October 10th – 12th, 2005. Url: First indexicals-Symposion


indexicals-Conference: Transmodernity and the paradigm of transdisciplinarity; within the frame of the Conference “Innovation and Reproduction in Cultures and Societies”, Vienna, AUSTRIA; December 8th – 11th, 2005. Urls: Conference
See also



Teaching at the Department of Philosophy, Karl-Franzens University of Graz:
From 1992 to 1994 Tutor for the following seminars: Philosophy of mind, Philosophy of language, Empirism and Logical Positivism, Theories of perception, Holism and especially Semantic Holism,Wittgenstein.
1995/96; Lecturer for Philosophy.


Teaching at other Universities and Institutions of Higher Education:
Spring 1994; Guestprofessorship at the University Complutense de Madrid (Facultad de Filosofia y Ciencias), SPAIN. The title of my lectures was: Das Subjekt in Wittgensteins Frühschriften.
December 1994; Lecturers at the 2. Linzer Research colloquium for women in cognitive sciences, University of Linz, AUSTRIA. The main topics of my lectures were: Introduction to Connectionism, Natural and artificial cognitive systems, and Logical Paradoxes.
Autumn 1995; Lecturer for the Seminar for Philosophy of Children, Graz, AUSTRIA. 1995 – 1998; Lecturer and Head of work-groups – Philosophy of mind, Philosophy of language, and Logic – at the extended University URANIA, Graz, AUSTRIA.


Private lecturing in Philosophy and German language and literature: From 1989 to 2005; private teaching for children and students, preparation for final examinations in Philosophy and German language and literature (also German as second language), sometimes also Analytic Geometry.


Teaching at indexicals – Centre of transdisciplinary cognitive and state-system sciences; Graz, AUSTRIA:
Summer term 2005: First indexicals-research seminar – The complex reality
Summer term 2006: Second indexicals-research seminar – Identity and the possibility of private languages
Summer term 2006: Privatissimum on selected questions of aesthetics
Winter term 2006/07: Privatissimum on selected questions of aesthetics



July 1994; Studies and research; “First International Summer School in Cognitive Science” at the State of New York University, Buffalo; USA.


July 1995; Study and research; “Second International Summer School in Cognitive Sciences” at the New Bulgarian University, Sofia, BULGARIA.


1996/97; Visiting scholar at the Graduate Center of the City of New York University, New York, USA.


June 1998; Guest researcher at the London School of Economics, London, ENGLAND.


November 1998; Visiting researcher at the University of California, Berkeley, USA.


Fallsemester 1999/2000; Visiting researcher at the University of California, Berkeley, USA.


November 15th – December 15th, 2001; DAAD-Stipendiatin at the Department of Philosophy, Logic, and Theory of Science, Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich, GERMANY.



Several “Leistungsstipendien” and travel grants of the Karl-Franzens-University of Graz; from 1988 to 1993.


Publication-grants from the City of Graz, from the Federal Government of Styria, and from the Austrian Ministry of Science and Arts, Vienna, for the publication of the philosophical journal KONTROVERSEN; 1990 to 1995.


Research grant of the Austrian Ministry for Science and Arts for the participation at the “First International Summer School in Cognitive Science” at the State of New York University, Buffalo; USA; July 1994.


Preiss-Preis of the Karl-Franzens-University of Graz; 1995.


Research grant of the Austrian Ministry for Science and Arts for my dissertation project, 1995/6.


Research grant of the Austrian Ministry for Science and Arts for the visiting scholarship at the Graduate Center of the City of New York University, New York, USA; research year 1996/97.


DAAD-Research grant for the research work at the Department of Philosophy, Logic and Theory of Science, Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich, GERMANY; November 15th – December 15th, 2001.


Several research and travel grants of the Josef Krainer Wissenschaftsfonds (Science-fonds), Graz, AUSTRIA.


Several research and travel grants of the Federal Government of Styria, Graz, AUSTRIA.

© by Josephine Papst, indexicals - 2003-2015 | website design by Judith Papst